Monday, June 21, 2010

Thoughts and ponderings whilst cleaning and rearranging today

*How did I get here? I have two teenagers who are taller than their Dad, have lots of facial hair and voices so deep they make me think strange men are in the next room talking..........

*Why is it during the school year there isn't a pencil sharpener to be found and today I find 4 - in the bottom of the toy box? (And 4 guitar picks!)

*My new high-tech washing weighs the clothes I put in it and tells me how much detergent to add.........

*While cleaning my room today I took my full length mirror down and temporarily leaned it against the wall at the end of my bathrooom. Later when I needed to use the bathroom I looked up to see my reflection in the was not a pretty sight.

*When am I going to stop coughing??

*What would it look like if I melted all of these Legos?

*Why do my sons have so many random keys?

*Can I get a lung disease from breathing in the rusty dust in the bottom of this toy box?

*How did the bottom of this PLASTIC toy box get rusty anyway?

*Should I be embarrassed that it's 2:30 p.m. and I'm still in my pajamas? (I have brushed my teeth today.)

(You may be wondering why I'm toiling with the toys......where are my children? Oh, they were working too. They were not exactly happy with me. I'm ashamed to say I start to sound like a Nazi General when we have a family-clean-the-house-day like today. Although they did do their special "assignments" with pretty good attitudes. And I toned down my bark and tried to remember to ask nicely and to be kind.)

Back to work......


Cara Beth said...

I bet your still cute! even if you are still in your pjs! Can't wait to see you in 2011!!!!! Don't clean to hard! Wish I were there to help you organize your cabinets! :)

Bonnie G. said...

Oh, the random musings of Angie Lechner. I love it. :) I just spent a good while "catching up" with you via blog. I kinda hate that I've let mine go... life got so crazy this year! I'm glad to hear/read that your Dad has been able to be home now for a while. How's he doing? My Mom says the hardest thing is remembering that recovery takes time! How's your Mom holding up? And Oh MY - Coleson and Will are crazy tall! You look short. ;) Love you... was just talking about you and yours to a friend on Saturday night! Tell everyone hi for me!

Kecia said...

I'm sorry you're coughing. :( But I'm glad you got a new fancy washer! We got a new boring dryer today b/c our old one died. It doesn't have any tricks but it gets the job done.

Dee Dee said...

That IS a fancy washing machine - very high-tech! I can so relate to the Nazi general thing. I have this mental image of a "peaceful," Charlotte Mason-esq re-organization/clean-the-house day, and somewhere (usually very quickly) it gets lost, and I start shouting orders and really wanting to just do it all myself.