Monday, September 10, 2007

Good Reads

This post by a young single missionary really touched me. She just completed two years of work in Botswana.

Here's another picture of Baby Amani and a sweet post by his mommy Sarah.

My internet connection was not so great earlier and my links were messed up. I hope they work now.

I took my sitemeter off a few months ago because it was wigging out. If you feel like leaving a tiny little note.....just to say hi or I like cheese or I read your post or you look like my sister.....please hit the comment button and let me know you stopped by. I'd be ever so grateful.


Kecia said...

I read your post and I like cheese but not as much as chocolate and you look like the sister I never had and Amani is PRECIOUS and if I had another baby I'd want one just like him and God bless the girl in Botswana. BTW, do you ever hear anything about April? LOVE YOU

Holly said...

I do like cheese, I do. I used to be called cheese, because nobody could take a picture of me without me smiling. I smile a lot, so a frown is rare.

Amani is a cutie pie!! Give him hugs from Colorado way for me.
Love ya!

PS I think that IF we get a new dishwasher, we can have Home Depot take ours may be awhile though. Finances are tight right now. Pray for us in this.

Jenni said...

mmm, I like cheese too! Although haven't had much of it lately thanks to all the MILK Shortages in SA!!

Love ya, and miss ya! Can I come for coffee tomorrow? ;-)